
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Melangking Hospitality

When we arrived at the brand new building of the Head Office of the Melangking Plantation we were met by Mr. Chee, the area manager.  After a brief greeting he led the way up to the Guest house where I was going to stay while teaching at the 3 schools at the plantation.  What a lovely setting!  And the interior was nicely appointed, clean and well-kept - I noticed that it even had a refrigerator – which makes life so much more pleasant in this heat!  (It was even stocked with bottled water, 100 Plus and other soft drinks, as well as some Milo pouches for hot chocolate). There was also an electric water pitcher, so I could boil water for cocoa, coffee or tea!  An array of snacks were set out on the table – including a tin of Danish Butter Cookies – just so thoughtful and kind!  Looking out the back I saw I even had a beautiful verandah overlooking a lake!  Morning birdwatching was definitely on the agenda!
I knew I would love it here already!  
Mr. Chee excused himself, he was going down to finish cooking for our lunch – I soon learned he is an excellent cook! - A little while later we were all sitting around the dining table in the house where the plantation managers stayed during the week, and we had a feast of a lunch Chinese family style with all sorts of home-cooked delicacies!  For dessert we had fresh bright purple dragon fruits which grew right outside – they were delicious and when it was time for Rosalyn, Torben and Faizal to take off they were given a huge bag full of dragon fruits and clusters of freshly picked bananas to take home to the boys!  

I arranged with Mr. Chee that he would pick me up at 3 PM for my first class, so I could take a little nap after lunch, which I did, so I could be ready for a class full of eager kids ready to paint!


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