
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Birds & Crocodiles On The Mary River

As we boarded the boat at the dock by the Mary River Wetlands we were told by the captain to keep all body-parts inside at all times, and absolutely no standing or moving around! The boat was full as we slowly set out, while the captain explained about the area and the life teeming here. It was a beautiful landscape, the water lilies were blooming in white, pink and purple hues, and the sun was hot and the sky was bright blue – lovely!
As we were gliding along we saw crocodiles, both freshwater and salt water crocs, Eagles, Jabirus, Egrets and lots of other exotic birds - the wetland was just teeming with life! I will just have to let the photos speak for themselves! As we headed in again, and got off the boat a snake was making it's quick retreat - and we went out along the boardwalk to enjoy the views of the wetlands, before we got back in the car to enter Kakadu National Park and head for our next stop.

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